Saturday, March 7, 2009

Monday, March 2, 2009

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Limbaugh sez Obama is "Bastardizing" Constitution

How any conservative could say this after Bush is beyond me. They're awfully scared of Obama, it seems. Particularly Rush. From the looks of it, Rush, the only thing you have to fear is food itself.

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Nice to See Obama Relaxing

Hopefully it calms people down a little to see that he is relaxed...notice the great reaction he gets too.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Michael Steele, Minstrel Act

This is becoming so pathetic that it is nearly beyond the power of words. First, Steele calls for a "hip hop makeover" of the Republican Party, which he promises will be "off the hook". I look forward to seeing this.

Then he threatens primary challenges to the three Republican Senators who voted for the stimulus bill (at least, in his haste to establish street cred, he didn't threaten to bus' a cap in their asses).

Olympia Snowe (R-ME), one of the dreaded three, had a nice, tart reply: "When we were in the majority, there were more of us [moderates]. Now that we're in the minority, there are less of us," Snowe explained, also adding: "If that's what they want to be, well that's their choice."

Now, after Bobby Jindal's truly painful speech responding to Obama's sort-of SOTU, Steele bucks up Jindal by saying, "...some slum love out to my buddy, gov. Bobby Jindal is doing a friggin' awesome job in his state. He's really turned around on some core principles -- like hey, government ought not be corrupt. The good stuff...the easy stuff."

Maybe Steele will deliver the next Republican response to Obama by saying, "Yo, I be down wit yo boy an' all dat, but dis' muh'fuckin' budget is FUCKED UP, y'all. Sheeeeeeeeeeeeyt..." (Steele then grabs his testicles, to complete the 80's retro feel).

What a joke. Who on earth is going to be drawn to the Republican party because of this? It is such insultingly obvious gimmickry, not exactly what's needed for a party that is reeling from electoral defeat, ideological drift, and struggling to be taken seriously again.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Interesting Insider on How the R's Will Come at Obama

From a conservative radio host...a group which tends to be pretty well plugged in on the right side of the street.

When you first read it, it's easy to get indignant about just how badly these guys want Obama to fail. But really, what other choice do they have? Politicians aren't good samaritans.

Having said that, I do agree with their initial assessment that Geithner needs to grow a set. Among Obama's econ team, Summers is clearly the one with presence, political savvy, and real debating skills. Geithner seems like a sheltered technocrat, not exactly made for the contact sport aspect of Washington.

Their underestimations of the rest of Obama's team, and Obama himself, are obvious and self-deluding, but again, what choice do they have? They have to convince themselves that they can win, that there is a strategy, that they are smarter than the moment they are in.

I don't get all purist about their obvious lust to return to power. I expect them to feel that way, just as I expect Democrats to feel that way when they are in the minority.

Here's what I don't get: What do Republicans want to do with government power? Why do they want to be in the majority? Why do they want the presidency? What do they propose we do? What are their answers? Please, respond without saying incredibly stupid things like "Drill Baby Drill" and cutting taxes on billionaires.

Republicans have yet to construct an actual worldview that is responsive to the challenges the country faces. Sitting in the shadows, lying in wait for Obama to stumble isn't much of a plan. Is that all y'all got?

The Leader of the Republican Party

JTP versus BHO...