Wednesday, November 26, 2008

"Change comes from me"

Just to add to Eric's post below on Gates, in his press conference this morning Obama was asked a somewhat gratuitously confrontational question by CNN's Ed Henry.

Henry asked Obama how he could claim to be bringing fresh thinking to the economic crisis given that he's appointed so many former Clinton hands thus far. He then tried to push Obama on some of the rumored cabinet appointments such as Hillary, Richardson, etc. It was a pathetic attempt to be "tough" - maybe Henry has been reading Mark Halperin lately or something.

Anyway, Obama shot that baby down by saying, essentially, that he needs experienced people around him, but that the change people voted for in November comes from him. He is running policy, and his appointees ultimately will be following his direction. Very necessary statement to calm the lefty Dems who are whining about appointments like Gates, and the ass-sniffing punditry looking for something pointless to criticize.

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