Monday, November 17, 2008

Hole in the floor

Watched Obama's interview on 60 Minutes tonight. His answer on the proposed auto industry bailout was spot-on.

Michelle said when they first started dating his car had a hole in the bottom, and she could see the road thru it when they drove. This reminded me of something that happened to me right around the time, probably, that Michelle Robinson and Barack Obama were first tooling around Chicago in that old hooptie of Barack's.

One night in 1991, I drove a VW van with a gaping hole in the floor from Houston to New Orleans overnight in freezing weather. We had just seen Nirvana (this was right before "Nevermind" blew up). We road-tripped to a venue in Houston just to see the show and then drive back home, a solid 6-hour drive each way.

I was really tired and afraid that I'd fall asleep at the wheel, especially with nobody to talk to. Everyone else went right to sleep. My friend Terry rode shotgun and promised he'd keep me awake.

About 10 minutes after I got on the highway I turned to say something to him and he was out cold. I reached out and slapped him but nothing. Thanks, dude!

The only thing that kept me from passing out and killing us all the whole way home was the cold breeze on my feet from that damn hole in the floor!

Guess there's no sense of Presidential-level destiny from that story, but I thought of it nevertheless...

1 comment:

Mona Gleason said...

(How's this for my first comment on your fine blog, bill) This has nothing to do with anything going on in the world either, but I remember we had a car that had a huge hole in the backseat floor when I was a kid. Me and my sisters would get great delight out of unfurling a roll of toliet paper out onto the road through the hole. Mom and Dad would be pissed for a few minutes before we all started to laugh!