Friday, November 14, 2008

Hillary for Secretary of State?

A stunning move, if true. Josh Marshall is confused. Sullivan seems to think it's brilliant. Others don't even think it's real. I'm thrown for a loop by it, honestly. I think I share in Josh's confusion. My concerns beyond that are more basic. For a guy who thrives on "No Drama", and wants competence and focus, and campaigned on getting beyond the petty fights of the 1990s as well as the Bush years, why bring the very personification of those "petty fights" directly into your inner circle? Some have put forward the idea that this neutralizes her by getting her out of domestic policy debates and out of party politics, since Sec of State is supposed to be an "above the fray" position. I don't see this. I don't see what he has to fear from her in the Senate. There isn't much for them to tangle over, really, since Hillary basically agrees with every major policy position Obama holds. She has to take yes for an answer. If the rumors are true, then is this the act of a self-confident guy acting in the "Team of Rivals" mold that he has often espoused, or is he actually worried about her and acting from a defensive posture? I find the former possible (if a bit odd), and the latter hard to believe.

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